Here you can read about (click number):
7 Eschscholzia californica (California Poppy)
6 Antirrhinum
5 Cyclamen neapolitanum
4 Hermodactylus tuberosus
3 Chelidonium majus
2 Lobelia erinus
1 Solanum nigrum

7Eschscholzia Californica - California Poppy
I like this flower very much,and I knew that it is a medical herb,but today I was amused to read about it.

Sites about Eschscholzia
Interesting sites not about eschscholzia
The genus was named after the Baltic German botanist Johann Friedrich von Eschscholtz (1793-1831)Exist over 90 synonyms.
This plant comes from USA ,the state flower of California;is native to grassy and open areas from sea level to 2,000m (6,500 feet)It can grow 5–60 cm tall It is perennial in mild parts of its native range, and annual in colder climates; growth is best in full sun and sandy, well-drained, poor soil.Within the USA, it is also recognized as a potentially invasive species,
Comes in Europa in 1800
Was used as food and as medicine These plants are mildly toxic.The seeds are used in cooking.
Anodyne; Antispasmodic; Diaphoretic; Diuretic; Galactofuge; Odontalgic.
The Californian poppy is a bitter sedative herb that acts as a diuretic, relieves pain, relaxes spasms and promotes perspiration. The whole plant is harvested when in flower and dried for use in tinctures and infusions[238]. It is taken internally in the treatment of nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia and incontinence (especially in children).
The watery sap is mildly narcotic and has been used to relieve toothache. It is similar in its effect to the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) but is much milder in its action and does not depress the central nervous system. Another report says that it has a markedly different effect upon the central nervous system, that it is not a narcotic but tends to normalize psychological function. Its gently antispasmodic, sedative and analgesic actions make it a valuable herbal medicine for treating physical and psychological problems in children. It may also prove beneficial in attempts to overcome bedwetting, difficulty in sleeping and nervous tension and anxiety.
An extract of the root is used as a wash on the breasts to suppress the flow of milk in lactating females.
Wirkstoffe: In der Pflanze sind Alkaloide, wie Eschscholzin, Ionidin, β-Allocryptopin (Homochelidonin), Protopin, Sanguinarin, Chelerythrin und Crypropin (Cryptocarin) enthalten.
Giftige Teile: Alle Pflanzenteile sind giftig.
Wirkung: Man behauptet, dass die Pflanze eine schwache narkotische, spasmolytische und analgetische Wirkung hat. Sonst sind nur gastrointestinale Symptome, wie Übelkeit und Erbrechen, zu erkennen.
Maßnahmen: Bei oraler Aufnahme reicht die Applikation von medizinischer Kohle in einer Dosierung von 1 g / kgKG. Die weiteren Maßnahmen erfolgen symptomatisch.
После курения очень мягкая марихуанаподобная эйфория длится 20..30 минут. Концентрированный растительный экстракт может быть более мощным при пероральном приеме или курении.
Это растение имеет гипнотическую природу: оно вызывает восстановительный и мирный сон, устраняет трудности при засыпании, предотвращает кошмары и ночные пробуждения. Оно устраняет беспокойство и оказывает седативное (успокаивающее и болеутоляющее) действие; это растение позволяет беспокойным и нервным людям всех возрастов вернуть спокойную жизнь без стрессов; не вызывая вторичных побочных эффектов и не создавая проблемы привыкания, эшшольция дает альтернативу выбора спокойной жизни ночью.
Кроме того, это растение оказывает антиспазмодическое (спазмолитическое) действие: его препарат дает хорошие результаты при лечении колопатии (функциональных нарушений работы толстого кишечника), действуя на устранение болей и спазмов кишечника. Он может успешно оказать помощь при метеоризме (вздутиях живота и выделении газов) и при нарушениях транзита через желудок (кишечной непроходимости).
PROPRIETÀ TERAPEUTICHE: la principale azione di questa pianta è a livello del sistema nervoso centrale, dove svolge attività favorente il sonno, senza causare stordimento al momento del risveglio, poichè tale effetto non supera le 6-7 ore.
L'Escolzia è più attiva nelle femmine rispetto ai maschi, e può avere azione antidolorifica generale legata in buona parte a sedazione di origine centrale.
Uno studio clinico effettuato su 20 pazienti con insonnia mai trattata con farmaci ha dato i seguenti risultati: 12 pazienti ritornavano ad un sonno normale, della durata di 6-8 ore senza risvegli notturni, 6 soggetti riducevano il tempo di addormentamento a 15 minuti, con alcuni risvegli notturni seguiti però da rapida ripresa del sonno, 2 pazienti abbandonavano lo studio per l'assenza di risultati. Nello stesso studio venivano valutati anche 40 pazienti con insonnia ma in terapia con sonniferi. I risultati sono stati i seguenti: 14 pazienti hanno progressivamente potuto abbandonare il farmaco e servirsi solo dell'Escolzia, 20 soggetti hanno diminuito il dosaggio del farmaco ma non sono riusciti ad eliminarlo, 6 pazienti non hanno avuto risultati significativi
Ha inoltre effetto ansiolitico e l’uso clinico ne ha dimostrato l’efficacia prolungata e priva di effetto depressivo sul SNC e sulla vigilanza del paziente. E’ ben tollerata nell’età pediatrica e per questo utilizzata nelle turbe neurovegetative dell’infanzia, nell’enuresi notturna e come calmante nella pertosse.
Le proprietà analgesiche e calmanti la rendono valida nel trattamento delle sindromi dolorose a carico dell’apparato digerente, delle vie biliari e nell’emicrania.
L' Escolzia viene utilizzata in veterinaria in soggetti particolarmente nervosi e irrequieti, nei soggetti aggressivi o ansiosi, nei casi di ipersessualità. In presenza di disturbi comportamentali è un ottimo complemento alla terapia educativa. Ottima in associaciazione con il Luppolo.

Not far from Nemea,a city in Antique Greece,there was a great Lion that liked to eat people from that city.Nobody could kill him.Hera wanted to help those poore people and send Heracles there.It was his first heroic deed.Flora liked this deed very much and gifted antirrhinum to Heracles to honore him.That is why this is a flower to gift to heroes,men that win.
Leafs and flowers have antiinflammatory,sedative and emolient effect.(I hear it the first time)
In spring we have a wild plant with the flowers 3-4 mm long that have the same form of this cultivate plant.

Flora and Heracles
Wild and cultivated Plants
5 I found 2 wild plants that have splendid cultivated "parents".I'd never thought that every cultivated plant has it's wild "parent" and here I post these 2 photos.

Cyclamen hederifolium Aiton = Cyclamen neapolitanum Ten. Ciclamino napoletano, Panporcino; Pepparèdda (dialetto sammarchese); Classe: Dicotyledonae, Famiglia: Primulaceae.Cyclamen: dal greco kyklos = cerchio, per la forma del tubero che è circolare; hederifolium: dal latino hedera = Edera e folium (plurale folia = foglia), cioè dalle foglie simili a quelle dell'Edera; Panporcino: anche se il tubero è velenoso per l'uomo, i maiali non ne subiscono danno e di qui il nome; Pepparèdda (piccola pipa): per la forma della pianta a pipa di cui il gambo costituisce il bocchino.
I didn't know that the tuber of this plant is toxical for humans.
4Hermodactylus tuberosus

Hermodactylus tuberosus on this photo
in a Photogalery of a russian site
3Chelidonium majus

With this plant I had an interesting story.I tried to cure herpes that was too agressive in last years and somebody sad me to drink decoction of this plant.I knew that the plant is very toxic and never heared that it's possible to drink it.So I read many articles about it and began the cure.I did it for 2 months.Than I began to feel me too bad.
My back is clean,without furuncles now,but herpes feels better as befor....
2Lobelia erinus

My great love.Now in autumn is not so as it was in spring,but it's allways splendid plant.This is the shot specie.I have only this now.
1Solanum nigrum L.
When I eat fruits of this plant everybody thinks that I want die.But I know that it's not so,because my grandy, that knew all plants, said me that I can eat them, and she prepared torts with this fruit too.The taste of the fruit is very special,so I eat them allways I can find them.
Now I read modern information about this plant and they say,that the fruits are toxic when are not mature.